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Showing posts from August, 2019

State of California Non-Testing Classifications

What are Non-Testing Classifications Normally, applicants for a classification must meet 2 requirements before they are able to apply. First, they must meet the minimum qualifications for the classification. The minimum qualifications are the base level of knowledge, experience, skills and ability someone must have to the considered for a position. The second, is they must take and pass an exam. An exam is the way to determine which candidate is the most suited for a position, in a merit-based hiring system . In State of California employment, there are certain classifications that don't require candidates to complete an exam. Applicants still have to meet the minimum qualifications and complete any pre-employment clearances that might be required by the department. But the hiring process is generally much quicker than it is for classifications requiring an exam. Non-testing classifications are different than your typical jobs with the State of California. They are all tempo

State of California Student Assistants

State of California Student Assistant Jobs Student Assistant positions with the State of California are considered a non-testing classification . This means that they are considered outside of the State's civil service. Applicants to these positions must still meet the minimum qualifications and compete against other potential candidates. However, there is no eligibility requirement, so candidates aren't required to take an exam. Minimum Qualifications There is one requirement to be qualified for Student Assistant Positions with the State of California. You must be a student! Specifically, you must be a college student. Applicants are required to show proof that they are currently enrolled in a college or university before they can be appointed to a position. Hiring departments will usually ask for a student's most recent transcript to verify that they are currently enrolled in school. How to Apply The first step, if you don't have one already, is to create a